Title : -no title-
Size : 48"*24" ( stretched cotton canvas)
Medium : Acrylic Paint
Subject: Self Portrait
Probably my most authentic self.
Painting her was an emotional rollercoaster ride for sure... every time I picked up the brush to paint even a single stroke that session put me through both tears and laughter...but by the end of it looking at her just made me fall in love with her even harder and deeper...even though she was and is still a constant work in progress..
And though she is not allowed to meet or speak with anyone i think, she still deserves to be seen...❤️

Title : Butterfly 🦋
Size : 12"*12" ( stretched cotton canvas)
Medium : Acrylic Paint
Subject: Self Portrait

Title : Red❤️
Size : 12"*12" ( stretched cotton canvas)
Medium : Acrylic Paint
Subject: Self Portrait

Title : Blues💙
Ladies Project: Subject 4
Medium : Gouache Paint on Cotton Canvas
Size : 12"*12"

Title : Little Girl - Enrique 🖤💛
Ladies Project: Subject 3
Medium : Acrylic Paint on Cotton Canvas
Size : 24"*24"

Title : Someday❤️
Ladies Project: Subject 2
Medium : Oil Paint ( Texture Paint Spatula and Fingers no Brush) on Cotton Canvas
Size : 36"*36"

Title : Fly back ✈️
Ladies Project : Subject 1
Medium : Watercolor on Canvas
Canvas Size : 2' by 3'
Ladies! and Gentlemen!